
Create more. share often.

This is my personal motto and as a designer something I strive to practice as much as possible. It is 1,000 times easier to type those words than actually do it in real life. Sometimes we lose focus, hit a wall, or crave inspiration, this site is meant to get you (and myself) back on track.

Look & Logo is a site to celebrate the people and process that go into creating amazing design. A brand’s look and the logo are two cornerstones that are carefully constructed to create great visual design. They work in harmony to capture our attention, create an emotional connection, and build the brands we love. But what goes on behind the scenes when designing these visual identities?

Why do designers choose certain colors, shapes, patterns, and typefaces? Why are some looks and logos instantly identifiable? What makes a design truly standout from the crowd? Who are the people behind these designs? When is the right time to pursue a redesign?

By showcasing the creative work of agencies and individuals we can learn from the challenges of others and celebrate their work. 

“The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.” — Paul Rand

Look & Logo is dedicated to the design thinking that fuels creative visual identities, brands, and logos. Good design is important, let’s make more of it.

Follow along on Instagram to see the latest featured work from around the world. Or check out Medium and Twitter for more in depth discussions on design. If there is work you would like to see reviewed, want to talk design, or just want to say hi, feel free to get in touch.